
How to Write an Attractive Follow-Up Email in 6 Steps

It can't be overstated how essential follow-up emails are in the sales process. Some 60% of customers say no four times before saying yes, but 48% of salespeopl...

10 Common Follow Up Email Mistakes And The Solution

Here’s a stat that’ll strike fear into the hearts of your sales reps and marketing team: According to Backlinko, just 8.5% of outreach emails ever receive a...

68 Follow-Up Email Subject Lines to Use for Successful Campaigns

Did you know female mayflies are believed to have the shortest adult lifespan of any animal, at just five minutes? Emails are the sales and marketing equivalent...

How to Create A Follow-Up Email Strategy That Gets Responses (With Templates & Best Practices)

No matter how killer your original email to potential customers, sealing the deal is unlikely after that single email. How unlikely? A meager 2% of sales are cl...

How to Cold Email the Right Way Based on Statistics (w/ Infographic)

Cold email can be an extremely impactful tool to help a business generate sales leads, get press coverage, improve its search engine rankings, and build partner...

Why Follow Up Emails Are More Important Than You Think

Sending out a cold email is just the beginning of the customer conversion process. If you were under the impression that it was a job done after the initial col...

Sales Follow-up Email: 3 Amazing Templates to Use (and More)

Are you looking to improve your sales follow-up? Looking for advice on how to create sales follow-up emails that generate results? Look, it happens. Despite you...

The Breakup Email: 5 Amazing Break-Up Email Templates

Are you wondering how to write an amazing breakup email? Looking for advice on what to include in a break-up email, from the subject line to the email body? FAC...

Ultimate Cold Email A/B Testing Guide

Outbound and inbound sales are like a pair of squabbling siblings. Inbound is the younger one. It gets all the praise. And it never gets the blame when somethin...

How to Personalize Cold Emails

Are you frustrated by your response rates? Want to learn how to write personalized cold emails that get replies? Tell me, do you answer calls from numbers you d...

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