Setting up Ahrefs Integration with Postaga

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Postaga has a direct integration with Ahrefs.

This integration enables you to:

To take advantage of this integration, you will need to have an Ahrefs account, which you can get here.

To get started, go to the APIs page and click the “Connect Your Ahrefs Account” button.


Next, you will be taken to your Ahrefs account, where you will need to confirm that you allow the integration.


Click Allow.

Then, you will be automatically redirected to the Postaga APIs page. 

The integration is successfully confirmed when you see the blue “Connect Your Ahrefs Account” button replaced with a red “Disconnect Your Ahrefs Account” button.

It should look like this:


Now, you can run a Multiscraper campaign and take advantage of all that the Ahrefs integration with Postaga has to offer.


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